Owning a Tourism Business is awesome

30 Apr 2007

Can small resorts advertise on Google?

Simple answer is YES. Serious answer: you would be a fool not to!

Google offers two advertising programs: Google AdWords for advertisers and Google AdSense for Web publishers. Mostly small resorts are both... They advertise their products and then they have AdSense ads on their blogs and news pages.

The AdWords program reaches people actively looking for information related to the product or services offered by your tourism plant, and sends targeted visitors directly to your Web site.

AdWords uses pay-per-click pricing, which means you pay only when people click on your ad. There is a nominal, one-time activation fee for Google AdWords. After that you pay only for clicks on the AdWords ads, which you control by telling Google how much you are willing to pay per click and per day.

With AdWords, ads for your resort or dive op appear alongside or above results on Google search results pages for Google Web search, Google Groups, and the Google Directory. Ads can also appear on the search and content sites and products in the Google Network, which is an extensive online advertising network. Google's global search network includes: America Online, Netscape, CompuServe, AT&T Worldnet, AskJeeves, The New York Times, Earthlink, and Shopping.com. Google's content network of consumer and industry-specific Web sites includes: USNews.com, ABC.com, TheStreet.com, What You Need to Know About.com, Economist.com, Thomson, Lowestfare.com, Lycos, InfoSpace, National Geographic, Viacom, Forbes, FoxSports, LinuxWorld.com, and Macworld.

The AdSense program allows resorts and ive ops and tour operators to earn revenue from their Web sites. AdSense delivers ads targeted to content pages, and when Google WebSearch is added to the site, AdSense also delivers targeted ads to search results pages. The AdSense program allows your business to make money when visitors click on ads associated with your website.

It enhances visitors' experiences by including ads that are relevant to what they see on your pages. You can even add a Google search box to your Web site. It is easy to manage your AdSense account and track earnings online with easy-to-use tools.

You will fast discover though that you also have to be careful to add negative websites to your listing as well. otherwise you will very quickly see your competition popping up on your pages!

For more information about AdWords and AdSense, go to their respective Web sites.

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