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11 Apr 2008

Optimize your Blog Post for Google - Tips that you might not have heard

Cool article about optimising blog posts, certainly worth a read


"Hey, what’s more exciting than getting huge organic traffic from Google and other search engines to your blog? Every other day, you write posts. Not every post gets noticed. Not every post is picked up by Google. Not every post gets the fame it deserves.

Here are some tips to optimize your blog post a bit for search engines if you’re looking for driving some traffic from Google and other crawlers. Try these, some day one of your posts will drive tens of hundreds of visitors via organic searches.

Though I’m not an expert in SEO, I can give you a few tips based on what I’ve learnt in the last year of blogging. Here we go!"

Optimize your Blog Post for Google - Tips that you might not have heard:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanx for good information